1) 形式发票(Proforma Invoice)
2) 装箱单(Packing List)
3) 产品的检测报告
4) 申请表(申请表管理员会提供给出口商填写)
5) 进口许可证(IDF)
——疑问解答:肯尼亚的COC认证是肯尼亚(Kenya)强制性的海关清关文件,没有该证书,货物抵达肯尼亚港口后将被拒绝入关。COC中文含义为符合性证书,英文全称为Certificate of Conformity,肯尼亚(Kenya)COC认证用于确保进口产品质量和肯尼亚人的健康安全以及环境保护符合肯尼亚技术法规和强制性标准或经核准的等同标准。
1) 跟管理员确认好要到哪个国家,要办理什么COC,是否发货了。
2) 以肯尼亚为例,如果没有发货,按照管理员要求提供装箱单、形式发票、检测报告等资料,寄给管理员
3) 管理员收到文件后递交给肯尼亚当地审核
4) 由肯尼亚审核过后,拿到检验通知单,由管理员安排验货检测
5) 在检查过程中,产品及其产品包装需印有made in China的字眼,以及其他的主要事项。
6) 检验完成后,递交最终的装箱单跟形式发票。
7) 会根据最终的装箱单跟形式发票出具COC证书
8) 肯尼亚COC证书寄送给出口商,出口商可以随货物出口给肯尼亚进口商。
1) 瓷砖Ceramics tiles
2) 婴儿服装Infant garments
3) 书包School bags
4) 外科口罩.Surgical masks
5) 一次性成人尿布Disposal adult diapers
6) 浴巾Bath towels
7) …….
In order to smoothly clear the customs and pick up the goods in Kenya, Kenya COC certificate needs to be prepared in advance, because the document certification of COC is one-time, sampling test will be conducted after each shipment, but it will increase the cost. Exporters who export to Kenya need to note that Kenya COC is a mandatory customs clearance document, without which the goods will be refused entry upon arrival at Kenyan ports. The reason is that Kenya has found some products that do not conform to Kenya's applicable standards. In order to purify the market, more products need to be tested by samples and then issued COC certificates. Kenya COC certification is to urge exporters to conform to their Kenyan market norms and enhance market competitiveness.