
作者:Cheryl-13691908397 日期:2022-10-11 浏览:
        货物到港菲律宾的时候,有什么政策可以优惠 关税的吗。菲律宾的优惠关税政策在国外还是常见的,提供相应的证明,即可享受关税优惠。无论是出口还是进口菲律宾,提供菲律宾东盟优惠原产地证FE即可享受关税优惠。代办出口菲律宾东盟优惠原产地证FE,使得出口商在享受关税优惠的政策。菲律宾东盟优惠原产地证FE优惠关税,代办菲律宾东盟优惠原产地证FE,菲律宾产地证办理资料。

If the Philippines buys a lot of products from home, there will be a large tariff after landing. At this time, we can provide the relevant Philippine ASEAN preferential Certificate of origin FE to reduce the tariff, reduce the import cost and improve the market competitiveness
      ###  二问:出口菲律宾选择东盟优惠原产地证FE还是RCEP证书比较好。
The available certificates of origin for exporting to the Philippines include ASEAN Preferential Certificate of Origin (FE) and RCEP certificate. Each FTA provides different preferential tariff rates, and exporters can choose the one with the larger preferential tariff
     ###   三问:出口菲律宾东盟优惠原产地证FE是多长时间。
  ——疑问解答:出口菲律宾所办理的一份东盟优惠原产地证FE对应一批货物,对应一份提单,东盟优惠原产地证FE上的信息资料跟该批货物的信息一致, 因此做好的一份东盟优惠原产地证FE是一次性的清关证明文件。下次出货需要重新办理一份,不可以用之前的证书。
One ASEAN Preferential origin Certificate FE applied for export to the Philippines corresponds to a batch of goods and corresponds to a bill of lading. The information on the ASEAN Preferential Origin certificate FE is consistent with the information of this batch of goods. Therefore, a completed ASEAN Preferential Origin certificate FE is a one-time customs clearance document


When domestic traders export their products to the Philippines, importers can enjoy preferential tariffs under the FTA. Filipino importers who want to enjoy preferential tariffs on imports need the exporter to provide ASEAN Preferential Certificate of Origin FE Certificate of Origin.



