
作者:Cheryl-13691908397 日期:2022-10-13 浏览:

     The operating bed is a medical device product, the importer needs to have the official sales certificate and the embassy stamp certification to be useful. The FREE SALES CERTIFICATE FSC, WHICH CAN BE ISSUED BY China Chamber OF COMMERCE FOR IMPORT AND EXPORT OF Medicine and Health PRODUCTS, IS also recognized BY Vietnamese importers.
     ——疑问解答:中国医药保健品进出口商会是商务部下属的六大进出口商会之一,对医药保健品贸易与投资及相关活动进行协调、规范,为会员及其他组织提供咨询、服务,维护对外贸易秩序,保护公平竞争,维护国家、行业利益及会员企业的合法权益,促进医药保健品贸易与投资健康发展。自由销售证书也叫出口销售证明书 英文名称为:Free Sales Certificate、Certificate of FreeSale或者Certificate For                  Exportation of Medical Products;简称:FSC 或CFS。
China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicine and Health Products is one of the six major chambers of commerce for import and export under the Ministry of Commerce. It coordinates and regulates the trade and investment of medicine and health products and related activities

    1) The customs of the importer requires that export sales certificate and free sales certificate be issued before customs clearance and delivery.
     2) When the importer distributes and sells the goods in the country, for the safety and quality of the products, the local customs requires the issuance of the free sale certificate of the products and registration in the local quality and Commerce Department before the free sale of the goods in the importing country.
      3) The exporter needs to prove to the importer market that the exported products are of quality and safety, that the products meet the relevant standards, and that the products are legally produced and sold

6)办理各种第三方机构检测证书,如尼日利亚SONCAP,沙特SASO,肯尼亚PVOC,坦桑尼亚COC,欧盟CE认证,ERP认证,TUV认证,GS认证。美国 FCC,UL。中国强制性CCC认证,资源性CQC认证,韩国KC认证,俄罗斯GOST

    If the operating bed of medical device products is exported to Vietnam, the exporter needs to apply for the official free sales certificate and get the seal and signature of the Embassy in China. China CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR IMPORT AND EXPORT OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH PRODUCTS IS ONE OF THE DEPARTMENTS RECOGNIZED ABROAD IN China. The EMBASSY OF Vietnam IN China confirms the seal of China CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR IMPORT AND Export of Medicine AND HEALTH Products on THE Free Sales Certificate FSC.



