
作者:Cheryl-13691908397 日期:2022-10-24 浏览:

  According to the Algerian Market Agency in 2018, exporters need Algeria Free Sales Certificate FSC to apply for customs clearance in the local area. In addition to the special format of Algeria Free Sales Certificate FSC, it also needs to be approved by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce (CCPIT)

疑问解答:阿尔及利亚的中文名称是阿尔及利亚自由市场销售证明书,英文全称是Certificate of free marketing in the country of origin and / or provenance of products exported to Algeria.出口到阿尔及利亚的产品在原产国和/或产地自由销售的证明。平时简称为自由市场证明或自由销售证书FSC,需要经过中国商会的认证,是阿尔及利亚市场署规定的条例。
1)The competent authority
2)Attests to the request of
3)That the product (s)
4)Manufactured by  
5)Are in accordance with the regulations in force or with the international standards when it comes to the requirments of the safety and the protection of the consumer
6)This product is commercialized in : China
疑问解答:阿尔及利亚自由市场销售证明书送到贸促会做成商事证明格式,一页为白色封面;第二页是黄页,一条红丝带+防伪水印+二维码,下面是商事证明书的证词;第三页是企业提供的Certificate of free marketing in the country of origin and / or provenance of products exported to Algeria盖章页面

Algeria Free Market Sales Certificate should be sent to the Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in commercial certificate format with one white cover page. The second page is the yellow pages, a red ribbon + security watermark + two-dimensional code, below is the testimony of the commercial certificate; the third page is the FSC page provided by the enterprise。3页合成一本证明书。


6)办理各种第三方机构检测证书,如尼日利亚SONCAP,沙特SASO,肯尼亚PVOC,坦桑尼亚COC,欧盟CE认证,ERP认证,TUV认证,GS认证。美国 FCC,UL。中国强制性CCC认证,资源性CQC认证,韩国KC认证,俄罗斯GOST

China's main exports to Algeria are machinery and equipment and accessories, machinery and electronic products, vehicles and their parts and accessories, iron and steel products, clothing and accessories, rubber and supplies, footwear, ceramic fuel plastics and their products. The Algerian bank letter of credit requires the exporter to provide a certificate of sale in the Algerian Free market



