作者:Cheryl-13691908397 日期:2022-10-28 浏览:
进口国销售进口的产品,需要有被货物原属的卫生局或被认可的机构签发的自由销售证书FSC,才可以在当地备案产品,且正常销售。自由销售证书,出口自由销售证明书贸促会认证。企业向当地机构签发自由销售证书FSC后,还需要经过进口国的驻华领事馆盖章签字认证。办理自由销售证书驻华领事馆盖章认证,领事馆认证企业商业文件自由销售证书FSC,办理由卫生局或认可的机构签 发的销售证书FSC,销售证书FSC办理资料。
一问:随着贸易经济的发展,更多的企业走出去。我司跟阿联酋的客户确认好一批货物要出口,阿联酋客户电邮,其中有句话是“The certificate must be from the country of origin and issued by the healthauthorities or recognized bodies. A Certificate ofFree Sales is a document to indicate that the product is freely sold in that country.”,邮件是什么意思呢,要我们怎么给客户提供清关证明文件,客户才可以在当地销售呢?
The exporter provides a Free Sale Certificate FSC issued by a health authority or an accredited institution. Free Sale Certificate FSC is a document showing that a product is freely sold in the country. In addition, the FSC issued by a third party should be certified by the seal and signature of the consulate of the importing country in China.
The reason for the free sale certificate is that the production and sale of export products should have legal procedures no matter in which country, and the relevant competent authorities of the destination country are not clear about whether a batch of products exported to that country has legal production and sale procedures. Exporters are required to provide documentation that they have been licensed by the relevant authorities of the Chinese government and are first allowed to sell freely in mainland China.
FSC will send the sales certificate to the consulate in China for additional signature. First confirm the sample of the certificate with the foreign guests. Secondly, the free sales certificate issued by the approved institutions of the guests is sent to the CCPIT for certification; Then it goes to the Foreign Ministry; After that, the document will be sent to the foreign consulate in China for signature and seal.
6)办理各种第三方机构检测证书,如尼日利亚SONCAP,沙特SASO,肯尼亚PVOC,坦桑尼亚COC,欧盟CE认证,ERP认证,TUV认证,GS认证。美国 FCC,UL。中国强制性CCC认证,资源性CQC认证,韩国KC认证,俄罗斯GOST
The sales certificate issued by the third party agency FSC and sent to the consulate for certification of the cost is relatively high, so the free sales certificate when the validity period is generally 2 years, if there is no special indication, the general competent authorities of the importing country only recognize the certificate for certification in that year. In recent years, THE number OF APPLICATIONS submitted by ENTERPRISES for CERTIFICATES of FREE SALE is increasing. Except for the certificates of free sale of drugs, medical instruments and other products, which are issued by specialized agencies in China, other certificates of free sale are usually issued by enterprises themselves, and the CCPIT certifies them in the form of certificates.